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The WB Chad Simpson Memorial Scholarship Fund



Monday, February 17th

Stated Meeting - Fellowcraft

Proposed By-Law Change Vote

Northwest Temple


Monday, March 3rd

Stated Meeting - Inspection in Master Mason Degree

Northwest Temple

 First Section at 530pm

Dinner at 615pm

Second Section at 700pm


Monday, March 17th

Stated Meeting - Entered Apprentice

Entered Apprentice Degree

Northwest Temple







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2023 Inspection 

The Officers of York Lodge No. 563 would like to thank you for visiting our website.  Please feel free to make time to join us at one of our stated meetings or special events this year.

2025 York Lodge Officers


Position Name
Worshipful Master Michael Jones
Senior Warden Ken Harris
Junior Warden Daniel Rumpz
Treasurer Michael Starn, P.M.
Secretary David Keiser, P.M.
Chaplain Marshall Thompson, P.M.
Senior Deacon Parker Thompson, P.M.
Junior Deacon Sean Demaree
Senior Steward Jason Vazquez
Junior Steward Open 
Lodge Education Officer WB David Gizzo
Tyler Frank R. Henderson
3 Year Trustee William H. Hochstettler, P.M.
2 Year Trustee David Keiser, P.M
1 Year Trustee Adam Michael, P.M.
Golf Club Director Adam Michael, P.M.
Golf Club Director Gary Riddle
Golf Club Director Michael Ferguson
Golf Club Director Richard Posey
Golf Club Director Ken Harris
Trestleboard Editor David Keiser, P.M.


Distinguished Masons of York Lodge

  • Adam B. Michael, P.M. - PDDGM of the 14th Masonic District, Past President of the 14th District Masonic Officers Association, 33rd-Elect AASR
  • Andrew J. White, Jr. P.M. - Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, F.& A.M.
  • Homer Trantham, P.M. - Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, R.A.M.
  • Ishmael R. Burtnett, P.M. - Grand Master of the Grand Council of Ohio, R. & S.M. & Knight of the Grand Cross of Honor
  • Robert Landry, P.M. - 33° Mason, AASR Valley of Columbus & Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Maine, K.T.
  • Russ Davis - Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Ohio, K.T.
  • Lawrence M. Looker, P.M. - Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Ohio, K.T.
  • Douglas E. Hoover, P.M. - 33° Mason, AASR Valley of Columbus
  • John R. Garvin, P.M. - 33° Mason AASR, Valley of Columbus
  • William H. Hochstettler, III, P.M. – Meritorious Service Award, AASR Valley of Columbus
  • Gordon T. Bond – Meritorious Service Award, AASR Valley of Columbus
  • Robert W. Parsons, P.M. – PDDGM of the 14th Masonic District
  • Chad E. Simpson, P.M. – 33° Mason AASR, Valley of Columbus, Knight of the York Cross of Honor & Knight Commander of the Temple, Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA, PDEO of the 14th Masonic District
  • Steve Moore - 33° Mason AASR, Valley of Columbus
  • David Gizzo, P.M. - PDDGHP of the 11th Capitular District, President, 14th District Masonic Officers Association, 33rd-elect AASR




Worshipful Master Year Worshipful Master Year Worshipful Master Year
Michael Threloff 2023 *William Norris 1979 *Samuel E. Forney 1935
Doug Cassingham 2022 *Carl W. Raidiger 1978 *Homer Trantham 1934
Doug Cassingham 2021 *Robert J. Landry 1977 *Charles B. Norris 1933
Josh Vittie 2020 James E. Huston 1976 *Albert C. Wurdack 1932
Parker Thompson 2019 Robert W. Parsons 1975 *Gardner G. Stearns 1931
*David Gizzo 2018 *Daryl D. LeFevre 1974 *W. Earl Faun 1930
*David Gizzo 2017 *Joseph F. Boyle 1973 *Leonard V. Rathmell 1929
Timothy C. Adams 2016 *H. C. Powell 1972 *Albert M. Calland 1928
David Keiser 2015 *John D. Hardie 1971 *William I. Bishop


Marshall Thompson 2014 *Ishmael R. Burtnett 1970 *Lorin R. Landis 1926
Adam B. Michael 2013 *James M. Neal 1969 *Robert E. Vandemark 1925
Kenneth R. Harrington, Jr. 2012 *Durwood A. Dodd 1968 *Maurice D. Donham 1924
Dave E. Ozvat 2011 *Noel J. Scheid 1967 *Lytle W. Hunt 1923
Frank Jacobs III 2010 *Kenneth A. Jones 1966 *Frank H. Davis 1922
Kenneth R. Harrington, Sr. 2009 *Gordon K. Spain 1965 *Joseph Wurdack 1921
Douglas E. Hoover 2008 *Robert W. Foulis 1964 *John M. Nuber 1920
William G. Hall, Jr. 2007 *Warren M. Wagner 1963 *Walter H. Cranston 1919
Jose O. Diaz 2006 *Daniel E. Morley 1962 *Carl H. Valentine 1918
Joshua A. Minor 2005 *Rodney J. Koenig 1961 *David E. Huston 1917
*Chad E. Simpson 2004 *Daniel O. Young 1960 *John A. Elias 1916
Alan Y. Brady 2003 *John Linn 1959 *Robert A. Mulligan 1915
Donald C. Emery 2002 *James A. Acker 1958 *Charles E. Rau 1914
Jeffrey T. Garvin 2001 *Merrill Weate 1957   1913
Louis J. Seich 2000 *Clarence A. Ruth 1956 *Charles T. Warner 1912
Richard R. Basom 1999 *J. Grant Joslin 1955 *Paul C. Carty 1911
Edwin F. Rose III 1998 *Fred V. Collins 1954 *Frank D. Welsh 1910
*Hubert S. Marcum 1997 *Lawrence M. Looker 1953 *H. D. Westervelt 1909
Gregory E. Mackie 1996 *Robert B. West 1952 *George Bishop 1908
Ernest E. Suchy 1995 *Winfield S. Corwin 1951 *George E. Underhill 1907
Donald C. Copenhaver II 1994 *Elden L. Chrissinger 1950 *James B. McGaughey 1906
Michael W. Starn 1993 *Carl W. House 1949 *Harry H. Corns 1905
*Charles L. Copenhaver 1992 *Paul V. Fisher 1948 *W. W. Boman 1904
James C. Ditty 1991 *Roy S. King 1947 *Charles E. Justice


*James H. Leake 1990 *Carl E. Shaffer 1946 *William H. Wallace 1902
*John T. Truitt 1989 *Clyde E. Martin 1945 *John C. Pugh 1901
John E. Sterba 1988 *B. McGuffey Bowman 1944 *Elias Risewick 1900
*Howard J. Roby 1987 *Edgar S. Pugh 1943   1899
Thomas E. Pauly 1986 *Clifton E. McVay 1942 *C. E. Williams 1898
William H. Hochstettler III 1985 *Normal Phelps 1941 *William E. Holcombe 1897
*Richard C. Pfoutz 1984 *E. Blair Amos 1940 *C. L. Ferguson 1896
*G. William Henderson 1983 *Fred H. Calland 1939 *Eugene Lane 1895
Thomas E. Zimmer 1982 *Calvin O. Rhoads 1938 *J. S. Hutson 1894
John Reed 1981 *Andrew J. White, Jr. 1937 *Charles A. Eckert 1893
Harry L. McCormmick 1980 *Daniel Jones 1936 *Joseph Cratty 1892

* Indicates Deceased


Secretaries of York Lodge Served # Year Reason for leaving Office
J.S. Hutson 1891 1  
W.W. Baggs 1892 1  
Edmond Hatcher 1893-1895 3  
Charles Eckert 1895-1902 7 Resigned (Expelled)
Joseph Cratty 1902-1913 11 Died in Office
W. H. Wallace 1913-1917 5 Died in Office
Charles E. Rau 1917-1963 46 Died in Office
Lawrence M. Looker 1964-1974 11  
Daniel O. Young 1975-1980 5  
Gordon K. Spain 1980-1983 4 Resigned
Carl W. Raidiger 1983-2005 22 Resigned
William H. Hochstettler III 2005-2011 7 Resigned
Chad Simpson 2012-2013 2 Resigned
Adam B. Michael 2014-2020 7 Resigned
David Keiser 2021-present