Upcoming Events


Donate to:

The WB Chad Simpson Memorial Scholarship Fund




Monday, August 5

Special Meeting

EA Degree

Northwest Temple

Dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7pm



Saturday, August 24

York night at the Clippers game

First pitch at 7:05pm

 Please RSVP by Aug 18

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Monday, September 16

Stated Meeting

Rusty Nail Degree

Northwest Temple

Dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7pm







Pay Your Dues Online

2B1ASK1Application for membership is open to men who:

  • Have been an Ohio resident for at least one year
  • Are at least 19 years old
  • Have a belief in a Supreme Being
  • Live a good moral and social life
  • Do not advocate the overthrow of the government
  • Can read and write English
  • Are recommended by two members of the Lodge they wish to join.

If you do not know two members of a Lodge, the secretary of the Lodge to which you are applying can arrange a meeting with two members of the Lodge for you.